Saturday, October 11, 2008

On the First Day of Halloween

Autumn is my favorite season, and October is my favorite month. In addition to being the month of my birth, it also contains the best holiday ever - Halloween. Perhaps my affinity for Halloween comes from it being two days after my birthday, or maybe it has something to do with my love of horror movies. Either way, I figure if Christmas can have 12 days, then Halloween, being the far superior celebration, can definitely have 31. So, happy 11th day of Halloween!

This morning I hauled all 10 boxes of Halloween decorations out of the basement, and they are now stacked on the dining room table awaiting the decking. A couple of years ago I decided I had entirely too many Halloween decorations, but lately I've come around to thinking that one can never have too much of Halloween. So, bring it on, Atman (he loves to send me Halloweenish things!).

Yesterday was the second annual field trip to the pumpkin patch at Kruger's Farm on Sauvie Island with Elliot's school. We had a complete blast. Here are some pictures from the big afternoon.

First up, here is Elliot having a little fun while waiting for the hay ride. An added bonus for the day was the attendance of Elliot's good pal, Fiona (see smootching below).

And here is the whole gang on the hayride out to the pumpkin patch.

Once in the patch, Elliot found the perfect green pumpkin.

And here's me posing with the kiddos with my newly-chopped off hair. (When I came home from the salon, Elliot said, "Wow, you look great! Like Aiden's mom!" All you Rangers out there will know that's a nod to K8.)

More pumpkin (and zucchini!) picking fun with pals AJ, Kerry and Griffin, and Kevin (whom the kids lovingly refer to as "Poppy").

Some shots of the hayride back to the farm store. That's Elliot with his pal Xander.

And here are some of the animals we saw on the farm.

Last up, here is Miss Idgie chewing on a crazy gourd. Imogen had a blast at the pumpkin patch, too. Compare this shot to last year's (she slept through the whole adventure that time!).

Happy, happy autumn, everyone! Now go get those skeletons out of the closet and get started on your costumes!

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