Monday, October 6, 2008

High Five

Happy birthday, Elliot! Our big boy turned five on Saturday. He had a fantastic birthday. Here's a recap of a perfect birthday for Elliot.

1. Sleep in and then get up and open presents from family right away. Favorite presents: stuffed owl from little sister and book about elevators from the Whites.
2. Read elevator book over and over again while Papa gets showered and dressed.
3. Go to Ikea with Papa for breakfast.
4. Go elevator riding with Papa.
5. Eat lunch at Burgerville.
6. Have a birthday party with a bunch of his friends at the community center, complete with loads of indoor play park toys, presents, a Blue's Clues theme, and, of course, cake (a GF/CF success!).
7. Go home and play with new toys. Read elevator book several dozen more times.
8. Go to Burgerville (again!) with Papa for dinner.
9. Get ready for bed. Read elevator book for bedtime story.
10. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Here are some pictures of Elliot's birthday party. (Note the matching Blue's Clues "Steve" shirts on Elliot and Thomas.)

Imogen held her own with the big kids and got lots of rides.

Back at home, Cinnamon the owl modeled one of the party hats.

And Elliot got to try on his Blue's Clues Halloween costume for the first time (and read the elevator book some more).

It will be a hard birthday to beat!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Adorable! Looks like a perfect 5-yr-old b-day party.

Happy birthday, Elliot!