Sunday, October 26, 2008

October Makes Me Happy

I love October. The colors are gorgeous, the autumn weather is perfect, and it contains three of my favorite days of the year - Elliot's birthday, my birthday, and Halloween. Since my birthday is on a weekday this year, I decided that I deserved this entire weekend to do whatever I wanted. Thomas is currently being the best husband ever and has taken both of the kids to the park. Woo hoo!

We're all getting into the Halloween spirit around here, as you can see.

And here is Miss Idgie absconding with her brother's jack-o-lantern bucket.

Our little girl is now walking like a pro. She's stopped crawling completely, and though she still falls down quite a bit, she picks herself up and keeps going instead of scooting the rest of the way. Here is a little update on her walking prowess.

And here she is yet again posing in brother's Mariner's cap with Mama (I'd have a picture for you of Elliot's new haircut, too, but he is currently refusing to have his picture taken!).

Even though he won't say cheese, Elliot is still quite the card these days. His favorite thing to say when you ask him any question is, "I have no idea." And my favorite Elliot statement this week was when he went upstairs to find Papa, who was sleeping in much too late for a work day, and said, "Papa, you forgot to wake up!". That's my boy.

And I must show you another video of Elliot playing the piano at fun school. He is playing a song that he wrote all by himself! The music teacher, Chase, is quite wonderful. He color-coded all the keys and had the kids write songs using colors for the notes. Pretty ingenious. Here is Elliot's song.

I hope y'all are having as wonderful an October as we are!

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