Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Waxing Nostalgic

My stinker of a husband has not sent us a message from Burning Man yet, so I have no tales to tell you of his adventures (there had better be a problem with the wireless on the playa, or he has no excuse for ignoring those of us who got left behind!). So I thought I'd share with you some pictures from my adventures at Burning Man in 2001 and 2002.

First up, here I am with my campies from Black Rock Spatial Delivery, a bike messenger service on the playa, in 2001. These photos were taken by the wonderful folks from Supersnail.

My favorite part of Burning Man is the amazing art installations, often of humongous scale. In 2001, my first year going to the event, we arrived in the wee hours of the morning. We were greeted by this incredible, gigantic sculpture being assembled. It is called "Flock", created by Michael Christian.

I also fell in love with the work of the Sunbrothers, who create solar-powered art. This piece is called "Genetically Engineered Corn". The corn cobs lit up in all sorts of colors at night.

And this is the "Bone Tree" by Dana Albany.

Another of my favorite parts of Burning Man is the super fly art cars. Here are a pair of cars, including one that shot flames from the back while playing organ music, Satan's Calliope by Lucy Hosking.

And here is some incredible art from 2002. This is one of my favorite of the smaller-scale installations, "Sunflowers" by Stuart Pawsey.

Here is one of my favorite sculptures, Hippocampus by Mardi Storm, rising out of the playa.

And here is a closeup of my favorite art car of all time, the Ark of the Nereids by Pepe Ozan.

And finally, here is my faraway hubby, aka Ranger @pparatus, admiring the playa in all its glory in 2002.

We love you and miss you, Papa! Send us a message from the desert!


Binky said...

Missing my hubby and Burning Man as well, sister. We should have organized our own Burning Man Widows event -- grab a six pack of PBR, empty vacuum cleaner bags over ourselves and maybe burn a little toothpick figure in an ashtray after the kids are in bed . . .

Binky said...

P.S. Your kids are crazy cute