Saturday, June 14, 2008

What the Living Do

Thanks to everyone who has sent their supportive thoughts and condolences our way since my brother-in-law, Michael died two days ago. We found out yesterday that he died from a heroin overdose. He was found around 3pm, and we know he had talked to a good friend on the phone around 1pm that day. The crow came to us around 2:30pm.

The family has been gathered together at our house since Thursday, and the twins' biological father arrived in town today. There will be a ceremony with the Native community at Eagle Creek tomorrow evening, and a memorial service here in Portland next weekend. We are thankful for every moment we had with Michael. For every time he came home.

Today I have been thinking about the poem by Marie Howe, "What the Living Do." In the poem (which Thomas read at his brother Mitchell's memorial service 9 years ago), she writes about continuing on with her daily routines, the small details of her life, after the death of her brother. I have been thinking about how having Elliot and Imogen in our lives at this time is a blessing. Not only do they have needs that must still be met - meals, bedtime, diapers - keeping us busy, but they are joyful and fun, reminding us of how wonderful our lives really are. And today we have been doing what the living do - laundry, making lunch, visiting friends.

And so today, a post about something joyful. Imogen turned 9 months old today. She now has two teeth, is crawling, can stand and cruise around furniture, is starting to make signs for "eat", "more", and "milk" ("nursie"), and is eating all sorts of yummy smooshed foods. Here are this month's comparison photos of Imogen and big brother Elliot.

How can anyone stay sad for long when these two children smile at you? Today, it is gorgeous outside. We have been looking at photos and videos of Michael and playing outside in the sunshine, remembering him. We will carry him with us always, as we carry ourselves through the dailiness of our lives, doing what the living do.


Unknown said...

I'm so sad to hear about your loss, and glad you have the young ones to offer you balance.

My condolences to all of you.


Hello, I'm Sally. said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Thomas' brother.