Monday, June 16, 2008


Both my brothers-in-law, Mitchell and Michael, had fantastic senses of humor. So today's post, in their honor, is no sadness and all silliness. I think they would approve.

But first, here's evidence that we live in a truly gorgeous city. This is Mt. Hood as viewed from the top of Rocky Butte, which is just a couple of miles from our house. It's finally summer.

And now for the sillies. First up, here is Imogen trying her first solid food - the hippie, organic version of Cheerios. She loves playing with them, and picking them up, and throwing them on the floor. But as soon as she puts them in her mouth, she starts crying. She'll put anything else she finds on the floor into her mouth, but O's? Forget this, Mama. Silly girl. Maybe she's just holding out for chocolate, like any sensible daughter of mine would.

I also must share with you some more funny Elliotisms.

* Elliot asked the other day what our alphabet was called. I told him it's the Roman alphabet. That's too boring, apparently. We should all be referring to it instead as the "robot alphabet."

* One of Elliot's favorite things to do right now is spell. He's learned to use the keyboard and likes to type his favorite words into a word processing program. However, you should know that in these programs, you don't actually open a new "document." What you're actually creating is a "soccer field."

Nona likes to refer to Elliot as a "sillysaurus." Here he is wearing Papa's hat and singing "cheese" at the top of his lungs for Mama to take a picture.

And it's been awhile since you've had an update on the birds. We had a feeling that Joey the duck thought she was a chicken for quite some time, but she now has embraced her duck nature and will take long swims and baths in the wading pool. Her ever-loyal companion, Pippin, however, appears to think she's a duck. She hasn't tried to swim yet (apparently chickens aren't completely daft), but she does nest on the ground of the coop with Joe instead of roosting inside the hen house at night with Dixie, and she has recently learned how to quack. Really. A chicken trying to quack is just about the funniest thing you could ever hear. We'll get it on video one of these days, and I'll share it with you. Crazy birds.

Finally, here's something to occupy you in those moments of boredom while you're sitting in traffic, or zoning out during a staff meeting, or trying to think about something other than who needs a diaper change or a snack and how you really don't want to do that puzzle one more time. My friend Kerry has a great party game in which you design a "pop culture dinner party." It should be equal parts interesting, lively, and controversial. I love this idea and have been changing the picks for my dinner party ever since she shared her picks on her blog. Here are my current picks, with kudos to Kerry for this fabulously fun idea.

#1 Ty Pennington. He's the super sexy and peppy host of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. He's eye candy, he seems like a heck of a nice guy, he's not afraid to cry, and he has ADHD. I think he'd make any party more interesting.

#2 Simon Cowell. For those of you who never turn on your TV, he's the brutally honest judge on American Idol. I'm not a reality show addict. Really I'm not.

#3 M. Night Shyamalan. He's my favorite director. You'll remember him best from The Sixth Sense. I may not be addicted to reality television, but I do love me a good scary movie (read: NOT a slasher flick).

#4 Sherman Alexie. He's one of my favorite authors. He's Native American, brilliant, and ridiculously funny.

#5 Martin Sheen. Because he's completely wacko. And he made a better president than George W. Bush.

#6 John Ondrasik. He's the front man for the band Five for Fighting. He wants to save the world. And he has a great falsetto.

#7 Carl Kasell. Who wouldn't want to meet the man behind the incredible voice on NPR? (Does this still count as pop culture, Kerry?)

#8 (This is going to be a big dinner party, but we need a woman!) Sarah Vowell. She's funny, she's insightful, and she has the best voice ever (sorry, Carl).

So there you have it. A completely silly day. We all need those once in awhile.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Yay yay! I made your blog! Yes, Carl Kasell totally counts. I've actually considered inviting Steve Innskeep or Christian Fohhhden-Vencil (spelling mine) since I simply love their names and their perfect public radio voices.