Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sun, Sun, Sun, Here It Comes

We've had a wonderful, warm weekend here in Portland. The rains are due to return tomorrow, but it's been great to bask in the sun for the past couple of days. It was about 75 degrees on Saturday - well above normal. On Friday, it was so gorgeous that Thomas left work early to come home to play with the kids. We all hung out in the yard, and Imogen donned her first sun hat.

We even brought Joey and Pippin out into the yard for the first time (it will be about a month before they are old enough to move outside into the coop).

They loved roaming the yard together, even if Dixie wouldn't give them the time of day. She was too busy eating the bugs that Elliot was finding for her under the stones of our footpath.

We think we've figured out what breeds both the chick and the duck are, based on the feathers that they now have (we should know for sure in a few more weeks). Our best guesses are that the duck is a Buff Orpington and the chick is a Light Brahma.

Thomas has been in San Francisco this weekend for a meeting of Burning Man staff (he's the personnel manager for the Rangers, a group that sort of "keeps the peace" at the event), so the kids and I have been making adventures for ourselves. On Saturday we took at walk at Oaks Bottom wildlife refuge with Nancy and Vic. The last time I was there was when we were trying to sell Denny and Phyllis on moving to Portland a few years ago (it wasn't a hard sell!), and it is a bird watcher's paradise. It was too hot and too late in the afternoon to see many birds, but Elliot had a great time, and Imogen slept through her first hike in the backpack.

Today the kids and I participated in the Autism Society of Oregon's annual walk-a-thon. We had a great time hanging out with some of Elliot's friends from school and his teachers. There were hundreds of people there - a fabulous turnout. I haven't had any involvement with this group in the past, but I know they do wonderful things for families in Oregon with members on the spectrum, so I imagine we'll continue to get involved in the future.

We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Come home soon, Papa!

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