Monday, April 28, 2008

Grand Central Station

It's been Grand Central Station around here these last few days. On Thursday, Bubba Joe and P. came to visit for a long weekend. They're currently on an airplane headed back to Colorado, and we miss them already! We started our fun-filled weekend with lots of playing.

On Friday we headed to OMSI, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, to see the dinosaur exhibit on loan from a museum in China and to play in the fabulous science playground. After tearing Elliot away from the two very cool elevators, he had a great time exploring. Here he is playing in the sandbox, more evidence of the enormous progress he has made since starting at School of Autism a year ago. When he started, he wouldn't get his hands or feet dirty with finger paint, sand, or anything else. Now look at him!

Saturday was the 2nd annual auction for School of Autism. It was a smashing success. We left Elliot at home to play on the trampoline with our friends Matt and Sarah while we headed to the event with Bubba Joe, P., Denny, Phyllis, Nona, Mr. Vic Victor, Papa Pat, and our friends Ellen, Mark, Kerry, and Michael. Imogen was of course the belle of the ball. Here she is "spooning" with Ellen.

The school raised more money than last year, which will go primarily towards hiring another teacher for the addition of grades 1-2 this fall. My favorite part of the auction was the film that was shown, highlighting the kids at the school and its mission. It was a real tear-jerker (and money raiser!). The live auction was great, the food was super yummy, and the company was wonderful. Here are Nona and Mr. Vic Victor living it up.

I'd personally like to thank everyone who came to the auction with us and made generous donations to the school. It means so much to us to have your support!

After the big shindig, we spent Sunday relaxing in the lovely spring weather. We hung out with the kids and the birds in the backyard all day long. Here are Bubba Joe and P. loving up Imogen.

We had several friends stop by to visit on Sunday, as well. Our good pals Nic, Kristen, and Japhy stopped in on their way back to Seattle. Elliot loves baby Japhy, who is now 10 months old.

And here are Nic and Thomas being their silly selves with Pippin and Joey.

We spent the last part of the day revamping the chicken coop to accommodate a duck and moved Joey and Pippin permanently into their new digs with Dixie. Everyone made it through the night, so the newly-formed flock is a success. Here are the birds hanging out in the yard and with their proud fowl papa.

And here is more evidence of the progress Elliot is making with his social skills with other kids. Here he is taking his friend Soren to see if Dixie has laid an egg yet.

Whew, what a weekend! Elliot especially had a great time, since he loves to be outside. Here he is modeling his super duper new Crocs (much to the approval of Bubba Joe and P., who swear by the things!).

And things won't be slowing down around here anytime soon! Thomas's brother Mike arrived back in town last night, we have friends visiting from San Francisco this week, and Nana and Atman are due to arrive in a couple of weeks. Woo hoo! Let the season of gorgeous weather and visitors begin!

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