Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Elliot has loved trucks and trains from the time he started spinning wheels, and he lives for a good wrestle with his Papa. But he's never been the kind of boy who sword fights with sticks, throws rocks at cats, or wallops another boy on the head. Elliot has his fair share of snips, but as for the snails and puppy dog tails, our sweet boy is more puppy dog eyes (he does feed the snails to the chicken, however). And he adores the sugar and spice and everything nice side of humanity.

Elliot loves little girls. There are two of them at fun school, Fiona and Michaela. Both girls are a couple of years younger than Elliot, and he loves them like the sun and moon. He gives them big kisses and hugs, leads them around by the hands, and curls up next to them on the overstuffed chair. It would melt your heart to see. Today when I left him at school he was pushing Michaela on the swing and jumping up and down with glee. Here he is trying to smooch Fiona.

One downside to the aspect of autism in which individuals have trouble reading social cues is that these kids are easy targets for bullies. But they are also often very compassionate, sensitive human beings. Elliot loves Imogen as much as every other little girl at school (more, of course!), as you can see here.

Sometimes he loves her too much...

I'm really enjoying watching Elliot and Imogen develop their sibling relationship. I always wanted a big brother myself, and I hope that Elliot will be a loving, protective, admired big brother. And while I hope Imogen has enough spunk to fight back when her brother invades her space (she seems pretty feisty so far!), I also hope that she will be a compassionate sister and an advocate for her older brother as they grow up. I hope their love and loyalty is mutual.

I have heroes that I hope both kids will grow up to be even a tiny bit like. For Elliot, I hope he will be as sweet, confident, and smart as my friend Ellen's son Bryce, who is also on the spectrum. Elliot is already an amazing kid, so I have no doubt he's going to be an amazing adult. For Imogen, I hope she will be as passionate, eloquent, and loving as Donilee McGinnis, who was Miss Oregon 2006. Ms. McGinnis has a brother on the spectrum, and she spoke at the auction for Elliot's school last spring. She was very inspiring and is an intelligent and poised young woman. She told us about how the only reason she entered the pageant was so that she could make autism awareness her platform if she won.

Whatever they become, I know both Elliot and Imogen are going to be incredible people. I'm horribly biased, but I already think they're the best two kiddos in the world.

1 comment:

Capt Gynx said...

Tonight Brittney was off to hear a reading by one of her favorite authors. She and Idgie went off into a night of cold and rain. Meanwhile Papa, Nona and Papa Mr. VIcVicVicVictor had dinner while Elliot served us tops for our beverage glasses. Come 7PM Thomas had a conference call and Vic cleaned the kitchen as I did my most favorite thing in the world...putting Elliot to bed. There is an ever changing ritual to this process and it is specific to whoever is putting him to bed. One of our bits is my taking off his socks,right one first,sniffing and squealing peee-uuuuuuuu. A moment later I reminded him that his beloved Bubba Joe & "P" (for Pam) (Brit's dad & step mom) were arriving tomorrow for a visit/ Elliot said "Bubba Joe & P U" No no no!!!! So apologies to my dear friend Pam if our grandson calls her P U! Nona/Nancy