Saturday, December 13, 2008

As Seen on TV: Take 2

First up, a picture of the internet's next blogger. She may not be talking yet, but she already has plenty to say!

And now the story of the week. Y'all will remember Elliot's ordeal with an abscessed tooth last month and our series of visits to Dr. McDreamy. Well, the saga continues!

I'm a huge fan of TV medical dramas (ER, Grey's Anatomy, and House, specifically), but I don't really feel the need to live them out in my own life. And though I've never personally had to go to the ER, apparently it's part of being a parent.

On Thursday evening, just before bedtime, Elliot went running through the living room in stockinged feet, slipped, and hit his head on the side of the coffee table. There was blood everywhere, and much screaming, as he had a very deep gash about one inch wide over his left eye. While Thomas and a freaked-out Imogen stayed behind, Elliot and I headed off to the emergency room.

The doctor (who has a 16-year old son on the spectrum and was GREAT with Elliot, though alas, she was no McDreamy) took one look at Elliot's head and declared that no mere butterfly bandage or handy-dandy magic glue was going to fix this injury. It would have to be stitches. First, the nurse applied some numbing medicine directly to the cut, which apparently stung like crazy, and the trauma began.

We waited for 20 minutes for the area to be fully numb, and then the doctor tried to flush the wound with "just cooperation" from Elliot. This idea didn't work at all, since he was really freaked out by the water near his face, and at this point it was an hour past his bedtime and he'd had no dinner, so he was an exhausted little guy. In came the troops.

We took off Elliot's shirt, since the nurses warned he was going to get really hot (they were right). They then wrapped his upper body in a sheet so that his arms were immobilized by his sides, which he of course hated (who wouldn't?). Then one nurse held his head still while the other pretty much sat on the lower half of his body to keep him from moving while the doctor flushed the wound again and started the suturing. I was sitting next to him trying to talk to him and keep him calm, but he was completely hysterical. The doctor was fast, but it took FIVE stitches to close up the wound. When she was done, poor Elliot was sobbing and sweating and scared half to death. It was pretty horrible.

We did get to ride an elevator when we were done, though, and then Elliot had some animal crackers and a snack when we got home and cuddled up in bed with Papa to watch some videos on You Tube until he fell asleep (10:30pm!). It was quite an evening, but I'm happy to report that Elliot is doing just fine now and is back to his usual, spunky self. We have to go back to have the stitches removed on Tuesday, so wish us luck!

Before all the excitement this week, I did manage to take a couple of photos in a Santa hat self portrait session with the kids.

We're planning to decorate our tree tomorrow (possibly with a snow or ice storm raging outside), so stay tuned for festive holiday pictures soon!

1 comment:

Maggie Casper said...

Oh, poor Elliot! That sounds horrible. Elliot is too cute for such things to happen to him. Glad he's doing better now.