Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby

Well, perhaps I should not have mocked the weather in my last post. Because now Portland has been blasted with one of those ice storms we get every few years that completely shuts the city down. The last ice storm I remember was 5 years ago, when Elliot was 3 months old. It was the first week of January, 2004, and I was due to go back to work from maternity leave. I went back for one day, and then the ice storm hit. I got to work from home for the rest of the week, which was fantastic.

This time around, though, I'm ready for spring to come to Narnia. It's a bummer to be iced in with two young children. We've already played in the snow, watched Blue's Clues, created fantastic works of art, played on the computer, banged on the drums, and played hide-and-seek more times than I can count. Not to mention endless rounds of the elevator game. I would now like to go somewhere. However, this is what my car currently looks like.

It is snowing again now, and it's supposed to continue snowing for the rest of the week. Looks like those holiday cards I was going to mail tomorrow aren't going to make it to their destinations in time for Christmas (sorry, y'all!). I'm hoping it will at least get warm enough to melt the ice so we can get some groceries for Christmas dinner (and that Nancy, Vic, and Patrick will all make it over here on Christmas Eve - where they may have to spend the night!).

But it is completely gorgeous outside. Here are a few photos for you of our winter wonderland.

And here is Thomas having a little fun with the 1/4 inch thick sheets of snow and ice blanketing our lawn.

Elliot has been having a great time in the snow, though. Here he is bundled up and then making snow angels with Nona.

When we're not out playing in the snow, we're keeping warm and cozy inside. Here is Imogen riding around in Papa's overalls (who needs a baby carrier when you have Carhartt's?).

And last but not least, here is the super fly elevator panel I scored from an elevator repair company to give to Elliot for Christmas.

It is going to completely blow his mind, and I really can't wait to give it to him. The guy at the elevator company (who shall remain nameless) was just fantastic, finagling a way to get a real elevator part for me. Since there are liability issues, the company isn't allowed to give away parts removed from elevators they've worked on, but we of course just found this little puppy by the side of a dumpster (wink, wink). Thomas is going to build some sort of frame around it to make it safe and stable (it's about 2 feet tall and weighs quite a bit). But I'm still on a high from the score. Snow or no snow, ice or no ice, it's going to be the best Christmas ever!

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