Saturday, November 22, 2008

As Seen on TV

All you Grey's Anatomy fans out there will know exactly who I'm talking about when I say "Dr. McDreamy." Well, I'm here to tell you, he's out there in real life, and even more gorgeous than on TV. But let me start at the beginning.

This has been one heck of a week. On Wednesday, one of the teeth in which Elliot had a cavity filled this past summer got infected and developed an abscess. The dentist drilled a small hole to drain the abscess and we started him on antibiotics Wednesday night. On Thursday morning, Elliot's left cheek had about doubled in size from the day before, and the swelling had spread around his left eye. We headed out the door to an emergency appointment with an oral surgeon.

Elliot did fantastically through the whole ordeal, sitting very still for x-rays and while the surgeon looked in his mouth. And I got to be distracted from the stress of the situation by sneaking extra peeks at said surgeon, who makes Dr. McDreamy look like your average Joe. I'm not one to swoon, but damn. This guy was handsome, ripped, had lovely salt-and-pepper hair, and gorgeous green eyes. Plus the white jacket, of course. And now I'll stop going on and on lest my husband think I don't love him anymore (you're still the most handsome guy out there, my dear!).

But I digress. After a short examination, Elliot was whisked off to surgery to extract the tooth and drain the abscess. He was under general anesthesia (they were able to use gas only and no narcotics or IV), and the procedure only took about 1o minutes. Within half an hour he was awake and ready to ride the building's elevators. I was escorted to the back to find him chatting about elevators with the very friendly male nurse. (Who then informed me that all the nurses get all a-twitter every time this particular surgeon enters the building, and when I said, "Yes, he's very Grey's Anatomy, he told me that they all call him McDreamy. So I'm not the only one. But again, I digress.)

Elliot was back to his peppy self within a couple of hours, but I kept him home from school on Friday to make sure he was ok. He is currently doing great, though his face is still a bit swollen and bruised, as you can see here.

But he's a little champ. He's off riding elevators with Papa right now, and the surgeon said he should be fit as a fiddle by Monday (though I'm already looking forward to our final check-up with the surgeon on Wednesday).

In other news, the latest and greatest activity in the McElroy household is dress-up. I've been slowly stocking the dress-up trunk for the past few months, and the kids have been having a blast. Our good friends from Eugene, Rachael, Ben, Jane, and Hugh, came to visit us last weekend. Hugh came equipped with his own purple fairy dress, and while I'm not sure what Elliot's ensembles were supposed to be, Jane's outfits included a devil bride and the "wife of death". Here's a sample of the fun that was had.

And here is Elliot's outfit from yesterday afternoon, though I couldn't get him to put the monster hands back on for the picture.

Even Imogen is enjoying the possibilities of make-believe.

And I must include this photo for you of Imogen zonked out with Mr. Vic Victor during a babysitting fiesta last weekend.

Couldn't you just melt?

Now we're gearing up for a fantastic Thanksgiving visit from the Whites - stay tuned!


Kerry said...

Wow, that last shot is melty, indeed. Snuggly sleepy babies are the best.

And cheers for Elliot for getting through a tough week, one that would bring most adults to their knees! It was tough even reading about it.

And points off for me when my mind wandered... "I wish my kid would get an abcess so I could meet McDreamy... WAIT! NO, I DIDN'T MEAN IT. NO!"

Chris said...

Oh, Goodness! Sounds like Elliot was quite brave throughout his ordeal. I do hope this brings the whole mystery toothache chapter to a close. Poor guy!

That is so wild how much Imogen looks like Elliot at the same age. Good thing digital photos are date-stamped--you might get them confused.

Kerry said...

Me again. Is this McDreamy single? I have a single friend who could really use a hot surgeon in her life. Email me his name, I'll do the rest.