Thursday, November 13, 2008

If I Were In Charge of the World

I'm glad I'm not in charge of the world, because I'm a high-stress individual, and being in charge of the world would really stress me out. And I'll settle for Obama being in charge of our little part of the world, because I think he's going to do a really amazing job. But if I were in charge of the world, and assuming that Obama will take care of a few of the items on my to-do list (prioritizing alternative energy, preserving a woman's right to choose, making sure special needs children have support and opportunities, and making health care affordable - or free), there's one thing I'd take care of pronto.

Gay and lesbian couples should have the right to legally marry. They should have the right to do everything straight people have the right to do, for that matter. I really feel like our country needs to come out of the dark ages in this respect. I don't understand how anyone can not see how passing laws that prevent gay and lesbian couples from getting legally married is discrimination and a violation of basic civil rights.

Dan Savage, a witty and intelligent gay columnist, had a wonderful segment on the Colbert Report this week. I usually fidget through Colbert's interviews with people, as I'm uncomfortable with his entire persona (even though I know it's just an act). But Dan Savage really held his own, and he got in some real doozies. If you're interested, I encourage you to watch this video (Savage's bit is at the end of the segment).

But I'm not in charge of the world, because I'm too busy taking care of these little trouble makers.

Elliot and Imogen are getting along famously these days. Once she started walking, Elliot pretty much stopped trying to pick her up or smoosh her all the time. And he's discovered that she can now play with him and will copy just about anything he does, which he thinks is hilarious. Today at the community center indoor play park, Elliot proceeded to introduce Imogen to every parent who came through the door, saying, "And this is our sister, Imogen." What a sweetie pie.

Elliot was re-evaluated this week by an autism specialist, since we hadn't had him assessed since he was 18 months old. We came away with a diagnosis of Asperger's as opposed to PDD/NOS, which was unsurprising. Aside from his initial language delay, Elliot definitely fits the bill of an Aspie (to which anyone who has ever ridden elevators with him for hours can surely attest). The new diagnosis doesn't really change any of our current treatment plans or therapies, but it's nice to know where he falls on the autism spectrum now that he's five.

And what blog post would be complete without a fashion show from little miss Idgie? Here she is modeling yet another adorable hand-me-down dress. Doesn't she look just dashing in denim?

Our little girl turns 14 months old tomorrow, so stay tuned for those monthly sibling comparison photos!

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