Thursday, May 22, 2008

The World According to Elliot

It seems another lifetime ago that Elliot was almost completely non-verbal at 2 years old. For those of you who spend time with him regularly now, you know that he talks non-stop. He talks about elevators. He talks about Imogen. He talks about the girls he played with at tumbling class and how he made them laugh running under the parachute. He talks about the kids at school. He plays "Teacher Jessica's class" and talks himself through the entire preschool routine. He talks to himself when he's falling asleep at night and as soon as he wakes up in the morning (we can hear him reciting the numbers on the digital clock until 6:45am, when he knows he can get out of bed). He talks, and talks, and talks. And talks. Loudly.

Much of what Elliot says is ecolalic - he's repeating something he's heard, or he's saying the same thing he always says, exactly the same, over and over again. But more and more these days, he offers comments on the world or tells me, in his own circuitous way, about what he did at school, or with Papa, or some other time we weren't together. And once in awhile he comes up with a fabulous word-play joke. For example:

1. You might not realize that when counting in Spanish, the number 2 is actually pronounced, "ghost". Number 9 is accompanied by a friendly wave and is pronounced (make sure to affect a Canadian accent) "new wave, ay?".

2. The common name of the dinosaur Brachiosaurus is actually "broccolisaurus".

3. Tartar sauce is more correctly referred to as "pirate sauce".

In other news, Imogen has teeth! Her bottom two teeth have finally broken ground, though they are not quite tall enough yet for a photo op. Here she is giving those new sharpies a workout.

And I must leave you a picture of Elliot and Imogen having happy sibling time together (those bars are for her own protection, believe me!).

And here's a silly video of Imogen getting fabulously excited about her reflection in the kitchen cabinet knobs.

And I can't sign off without saying congratulations, David Cook! This is the first time my favorite has ever won American Idol. Woo hoo!!

Now if my favorite can just win the election in November with the same turnout of millions of voters.... go Obama!!


Hello, I'm Sally. said...

I love how kids interpret the world and the words they come up with. A couple my kids say are 'pignic' (picnic) and 'prenzel' (pretzel). They even correct me when I don't say it their way! Funny. So nice to hear all the great stuff about Elliot! And his cute little sister.

Kerry said...

Finn counts out the numbers on his digital clock until 6:45am too! It's not a bad way to be woken up -- much better than a blaring buzzing alarm clock. His newest (and most charming wordplay to date) is to substitute the word "fart" in songs and rhymes. We're trying to nip this one in the bud, but goshdarn if it doesn't make me crack up every time.