Monday, May 26, 2008

Inch By Inch, Row By Row

Despite the rain, we have been busy with the yard and garden. We finally got all of our seeds in this weekend. We're a little late, but hopefully everything will come up and we'll have a bountiful garden. It's going to be a crowded one, so I'm sure we'll be doing some thinning. You can see we got a little carried away.

So far the beets and carrots have started to come up (they got a head start a couple of weeks ago), and here is Elliot's bean plant that he grew in preschool.

All of my Mother's Day herbs are doing fabulously, as well.

It has been very fun this spring to see what blooms in our yard, since we moved in last summer. The woman who owned the house for 17 years before us was a definite green thumb, and she planted all sorts of beautiful things. I love that my favorite flowers, calla lilies, are growing in the front yard, shown here with our huge and prehistoric-looking euphorbia bush.

And they don't call Portland the City of Roses for nuthin. This rose bush grows beside our back deck and is completely gorgeous, as well as smelling like roses are supposed to smell - delicious enough to make you close your eyes and swoon.

After the drizzle let up yesterday and Elliot was starting to feel better, we hung out in yard for a bit. Here is Elliot engaged in his favorite outdoor activity - finding worms for the chickens and duck.

Pippin and Joey checked out the trampoline, littered with droppings from the apple and cherry trees (you should have seen Thomas bounce them off before they could leave their own droppings!).

Thomas spent the afternoon working on some art pieces for SOAK, the Portland regional Burning Man event that takes place at the end of June. Here he is posing with his sculptures with our friend Skye, who came to help out.

Imogen got a little love from Skye, as well.

After our wet outdoor afternoon, the kids did some actual playing TOGETHER in the play room. Elliot was a good big brother and "took care" of Imogen for Mama for about 10 minutes while I put away the laundry and spied on them every three seconds. They were having a blast, Elliot shared, and no one got knocked over.

Happy Memorial Day to everyone! Elliot is feeling better today, and so Thomas and I are going to leave BOTH children with Nancy, Vic, and Uncle Mike and go to the new Narnia movie. Hooray for a date!

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