Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Rhymes with Trampoline?

Yes, you guessed it, Imogen does! (Contrary to the belief of a certain substitute teacher at the school on Orcas where Tess was working this week, who claims that "hide" and "lied" don't actually rhyme because words can't rhyme if they are spelled differently. Who gave this guy a teaching certificate?)

So, I offer you a limerick in honor of Imogen's first real trampoline experience.

There once was a baby named Imogen
who wanted to bounce on the trampoline.
She gave it a try
with her Papa nearby
and her singing brother accompanying.

Ok, so I took some liberty with that last line, but that's what we call poetic license (look it up, crazy substitute teacher!). I was actually trying to end with the word "submarine" but just couldn't work it in. Too bad Elliot wasn't singing The Beatles! And now the visual component:

Pretty stinkin' cute, huh? And as if that weren't enough to satisfy your cute quota for the day, here is Imogen modeling her wild child locks.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Holy cow, that is about the cutest video I have ever seen! The three of them look so happy. And I didn't even have the sound turned on. Imogene looks like a nice big baby. I think I might need to come over for a baby snuggle soon.