Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Very Merry Un-Birthday

Imogen turned 6 months old last Friday. She can now roll over both ways and can sit up by herself for about a minute before falling over. Go, girl! And the siblings continue to look alike. Here are Elliot and Imogen in the exersaucer, both at 6 months old.

Imogen has also discovered the cats. She loves Rufus, and whenever he walks into the room, her arms and legs flail with delight and she tries to launch herself out of whatever she's in to get to him. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. I wish I had pictures of myself as an infant with Happy Kitty, but y'all will just have to use your imaginations. The scene might have looked a lot like this video of Imogen with Rufus.

We hope everyone had a festive St. Patrick's Day, and stay tuned for Easter pictures soon!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

OK, that video makes me want another baby AND another cat. Too fluffin' cute. Gotta go pop another birth control pill. :)