Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Fast Forward

Daylight Savings Time caught us by surprise this past weekend, even though my lovely sister reminded me about it on Friday. Somehow I had in my head that the time would be changing Sunday night instead of Saturday. Thank goodness for NPR, though, which got me back on track on Sunday morning just in time to have a houseful of people over for brunch. Luckily, everyone else was behind too, so the coffee cake made it to the table on time.

Spring forward was definitely not invented by someone with small children in preschool. But Elliot did make it to school by 8am today, despite being up happily talking to himself for an hour at 4:30am. And there are some advantages to the time change, like this gorgeous sunrise I got to witness Monday morning while changing Imogen's diaper. Not too shabby for Portland.

In addition to having a wonderful brunch with our Barn Raising Collective (a group of folks who have work parties at each other's houses to do things like yardwork, painting, and fence building) on Sunday, we also had a visit from Denny, Phyllis, Gwynne, Cassidy, and Finn. Here is Imogen getting to know her family.

Tess, Imogen, and I are off to Seattle this Friday for a girls' weekend away, so stay tuned for pictures of Imogen in the Big City.

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