Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thus Spoke (and Wrote) Elliot

Elliot is very much boy in that he has boundless amounts of energy, enjoys a good wrestle, and loves all thing vehicular. He is not so much boy in that he doesn't destroy things and cause utter mayhem on a regular basis. So this little incident from yesterday was a new one on his parents. He wanted to have a pencil to use as a "clue" in one of his many daily re-inactments of Blue's Clues, which I happily gave him. I found him a few minutes later in the dining room with this masterpiece:

Y'all will remember that Elliot learned to write his name all my himself last week. Well, that's his name on the dining room wall. Next we expect he'll be roaming the neighborhood tagging the sides of buildings. Ah well. At least it was only pencil!

While her brother was expressing his artistic side, Imogen was sticking to the girlie pursuit of infant fashion. Here she is in her first pair of overalls.

Yesterday was a big social day for us, as we had several visitors. Our friends Ned, Sarah, and their daughter Lyra stopped by while in town from Seattle. Here they are posing next to the gorgeous rainbow that stretched from one end of our house to the other after an afternoon shower.

We also had a visit from our friends Tina, Mike, and Ashton. Here is Ashton, rock-n-roll girl extraordinaire.

And here are Elliot and Papa doing the fantastic space puzzle that Ned, Sarah, and Lyra gave him.

And finally, here are the kiddos playing on the swings. Good thing Imogen was strapped in!

Happy March to everyone. We're counting the days until spring!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for families and fun!