Friday, February 6, 2009

Headline: Scientists Successfully Relocate Old Faithful to Portland, Ore.

'Twas a lovely Thursday morning. Thomas had just headed down the stairs to leave for work. I was in the bathroom changing Imogen's diaper and getting her dressed, and Elliot was entertaining us by singing a song on the ukulele. While standing on the water supply line for the toilet, it turns out. What happened next Elliot describes as follows: "It rained in the bathroom."

Yup. Suddenly, a huge geyser shot out of the base of the toilet, hitting the ceiling directly above the changing table. Elliot escaped, screaming, with only a few drops on the back of his pants. Imogen and I looked like we'd just stepped out of a downpour, however. I scooped up Imogen, naked and soaked, and went screaming out of the bathroom myself, hollering for Thomas. Our hero came dashing up the stairs (he luckily hadn't made it out the door yet), thinking one of the children was hurt. He had more wits about him than I did, and he turned off the water supply to the toilet while the three of us panted and dripped at the bathroom door.

There was water everywhere. On the ceiling, dripping down the walls, inside the photographs, in every bin of diapers and extra toilet paper rolls. It took our entire supply of towels to mop up. Here is a picture of the aftermath, drying everything off while our clothes tumbled about in the dryer.

Thank goodness for husbands who can fix anything. One trip to Home Depot and 5 minutes of bolt tightening, and we were right as rain. So to speak.

In other news, Imogen had her first real fall last weekend. Elliot was never a climber, but I regularly find Imogen on top of chairs and tables, perched precariously and giggling her head off. Last Saturday, she did a flip over the side of a chair and onto the hardwood floor, resulting in a huge goose egg above her left eye and a big scratch next to her nose. She was just fine, but I admit to panicking about the possibility of a concussion for the next 24 hours. Such a daredevil girl.

But as you can see, she has recovered nicely.

And here she is hamming it up, having a bath (she still fits in the sink!), and then snuggling with her papa.

Here's to an uneventful weekend...

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