Monday, October 22, 2007

The Adventures of Chicken Boy and Acne Girl

We just had a most excellent visit with Bubba Joe and P. They made us meals, entertained the kiddos, and most importantly, painted our upstairs bathroom. It was a dingy, white 1950s addition on the house, and now it is a fresh, hip 1950s retro bathroom. We love the light blue and brown! Here they are showing off their handiwork in true Vanna style.

While Bubba Joe and P. were visiting, Elliot's Halloween costume arrived in the mail (thank you, Ebay). He decided he wanted to be a chicken (Imogen will be a baby chick - stay tuned!). Of course, he had to put the costume on right away. Here is the chicken boy clucking with glee.

Aunt Tess also visited us last weekend to attend the baby shower Pam threw for Brittney (which was great!). Here she is doing her best baby whispering.

She and Elliot also made up a very fun game, within minutes of her arrival.

In Imogen news, the girl currently has a raging case of baby acne. We still think she's beautiful, of course. Here she is, in a preview of her teenage years.

Stay tuned for Halloween pictures coming soon! Boo!!

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