Friday, January 16, 2009

Ah, Distinctly I Remember...

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each McElroy household member was too busy to blog more.
Eagerly our readers waited; - curiosity unabated
For a blog entry much belated -were there McElroys anymore?
Where were the rare and radiant children who appeared herein before?
Quoth the blogger, 'Nevermore!'

But seriously, we're back. Can you ever forgive such a long hiatus, oh best beloveds? And now that I'm mixing my literary references, I'd best get on with it. I have quite a few new photos and videos to share with you today, and then I promise to get back to posting once or twice a week. Hold me to it!

We've had a busy January. First up, the end to the holiday season is here encapsulated in this video of the demise of our Christmas tree.

And here are some shots of the antics Elliot and Imogen have been up to this month. I call this first one "macaroni head".

As you can see here, Imogen has learned to climb into and on top of just about everything in the house, the dining room table and the dishwasher included.

And here's a little dress up fun - Elliot in an outfit he created himself (you can never wear too many hats, I always say), and Imogen in the super cute dress the Mazzaras gave her for Christmas.

This past week we had a fabulous visit with Nana and Atman. After days and days of rain, we finally got a little bit of sunshine.

On their last night in town, Nana and Atman got to enjoy the holiday concert at Elliot's school, which had been rescheduled due to the snow before the break. The kids did a fantastic job, and Elliot loved singing with all of his friends in his first concert ever. Here are a couple of numbers from the grand event.

And last up, here are the 16-month sibling comparison photos. Imogen turned 16 months old this week, and her latest tricks mostly involve climbing (see above) and pointing at things while exclaiming "dat!" until someone gives them to her. Here are Elliot and Imogen, each at 16 months old.

We'll see how Miss Idgie (who Elliot is now calling "Idg", which we just adore) is looking next month, but this may be where the comparison photos diverge a bit, since Elliot got his hair cut for the first time when he was 16 months old, and I just can't bear to snip a hair on Imogen's pretty head. Here is Elliot after his first haircut.

A very Happy New Year to all of you! More to come soon, I promise, promise, promise!

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